Check whether the given schema contains an input column.
Check whether the given schema contains an input column.
Parameter name for the input column.
SQL DataType of the input column.
Evaluates the output.
Evaluates the output.
a dataset that contains labels/observations and predictions.
parameter map that specifies the input columns and output metrics
Returns the documentation of all params.
Returns the documentation of all params.
Gets the value of a parameter in the embedded param map.
Gets the value of a parameter in the embedded param map.
Checks whether a param is explicitly set.
Checks whether a param is explicitly set.
param for label column name
param for label column name
param for metric name in evaluation
Internal param map.
Internal param map.
Returns all params.
Returns all params.
param for raw prediction column name
param for raw prediction column name
Sets a parameter in the embedded param map.
Sets a parameter in the embedded param map.
Validates parameter values stored internally.
Validates parameter values stored internally. Raise an exception if any parameter value is invalid.
Validates parameter values stored internally plus the input parameter map.
Validates parameter values stored internally plus the input parameter map. Raises an exception if any parameter is invalid.
A list of (hyper-)parameter keys this algorithm can take. Users can set and get the parameter values through setters and getters, respectively.
:: AlphaComponent ::
Evaluator for binary classification, which expects two input columns: score and label.